1st Looe Sea Scouts
Scout Hut, Downs Road, Looe PL13 12AR
Group Scout Leader: Chris Buss
Tel: 07504254486
email: chris.buss@cornwallscouts.org.uk
Age Concern, Looe
Age Concern, Looe
Meet in the Bottom Bar of Looe Social Club. Every Tuesday 2-4pm (unless we are out on a trip!)
Tea & coffee available (& the bar opens at 3pm), come and make new friends, play Bingo, enjoy meals, day trips and excursions.
Everyone is welcome – please just come along (If you want to come regularly, membership costs £10 per year).
Looe Lions may be able to help with transport.
For further information, contact:
Patricia McCarthy
Tel: 01503 264614
Email: pimsoflooe14@gmail.com
Army Cadets
To find out how to join or become a volunteer with Looe Army Cadets follow this link Find a detachment | Army Cadets UK
Barbican Pre-School
Barbican Preschool have some FUNDED and NON-FUNDED spaces available.
Places do fill up quickly so please give us a call today!
Family Hub, Trewint Crescent, Barbican Hill, Looe PL13 1ET
Sarah Sullivan (Manager) or Emma Everett (Deputy manager)
CONTACT – 01503 262948
Boardmasters Club
7:30 – 9:30pm
The Haven, East Looe
Contact: Caleb Barron
Tel: 07986 741426
Child Wellbeing Club
Last Tuesday of the month 1.30 – 3:30pm (Drop in)
Family Hub, Trewint Crescent, East Looe
Children’s Club
5:30 – 7pm (Term Time)
The Haven, East Looe
Contact: Caleb Barron
Tel: 07986 741426
Church Services (Looe Valley Benefice)
Every Wednesday 10am and 2nd Sunday 9:30am at St Nicholas Church
1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays 11am at St Martins Church
Tel: 01503 261184
Darby & Joan Club
Darby & Joan Club
Meet in the Bottom Bar of Looe Social Club. Every Friday 2-4pm (Sept-July) – unless we are out on a trip!
Tea & coffee available, come and make new friends, play Bingo, enjoy occasional meals out, day trips and excursions.
Everyone is welcome – please just come along.
Looe Lions may be able to help with transport.
For further information, contact:
Contact: Audrey Wharmby
Tel: 01503 269157
Mobile: 07719 666066
Email: audlizmay@gmail.com
Friends of Kilminorth Woods
Good Grief Cafe
1pm – 2pm 1:1 chat
2pm – 4pm general
1st Wednesday of the month
St Martin’s Church Hall
Tel: 01503 262808
Knit and Natter (Looe Library)
Why not join our Knit and Natter group. Every Tuesday 2pm – 4pm. Bring your knitting (other crafts welcome) and enjoy a natter and good company.
Held at Looe Library and Community Hub, Millpool, West Looe PL13 2AF.
Tel: 01503 262390
Knit and Natter (The Haven)
Thursdays 10:30am 12:30pm
The Haven, East Looe
Contact: Caleb Barron
Tel: 07986 741426
Lions Club of Looe
Looe Allotments and Community Garden Association
If you are interested in having an allotment please contact our membership secretary via our email.
Tel: 01503 262255
Email: looeallotments@gmail.com
Looe Boat Owners Association (LBOA)
Looe Bowls Club
Marine Drive, Hannafore, West Looe
Tel: 01579 641179
Looe Bridge Club
We are a small, friendly club who play at the Looe Family Hub (Trewint Close PL13 1ET) on Monday afternoons 1pm – 5pm
The first, third and fifth Mondays of the month are Duplicate Bridge.
The second and fourth Mondays of the month are Rubber Bridge.
Visitors £3 and members £2 a session
New members of all abilities are welcome.
Email: looebridgeclub@gmail.com
Looe Community Meal
Join us the last Wednesday of the month for a delicious meal.
Time: 16:30 – 18:00
The Millpool Centre, West Looe, PL13 2AF
Contact: Sara Barron
Tel: 07766 020524
Looe Community News
Contact: Elaine Warne
Email: ewarne18@btinternet.com
Tel: 01503 263816
Looe Film Society
A local community cinema run by volunteers showing a varied program of films £5 per adult. £3 Student/Under16s. Tickets can be purchased on the door (cash only) or online through www.ticketsource.co.uk. First come, first served basis. Visit our Facebook pages for information regarding future showing at Cinema by the Sea.
Family Hub, Trewint Crescent, East Looe
Email: looefilms@gmail.com
Website: www.cinemabythesea.org.uk
Looe Flower Club
2pm 1st Tuesday of the month. Pelynt Village Hall
Linda 01579 342488
Looe Football Club
Looe Garden Club
St Martins Hall, 2:15pm 4th Wednesday of the month
Email: looegardenclub@gmail.com
Looe in Bloom
Tel: Susan Rowe 07891 930140
Looe Lawn Tennis Club
Marine Drive, Hannafore, West Looe.
Email: looetennis@gmail.com
Looe Marine Conservation Group
See website for details.
Looe Old Cornwall Society
Second Saturday of the month at 2:30pm.
St Martins Hall, East Looe
Looe Peer Recovery Group (MIND)
2pm – 4pm 2nd Thursday of the month.
Millpool Centre
Phone before attending this as it is by referral only.
Contact for referral 01208 892855
Looe Pioneers Running Club
Every Tuesday 7pm – 8pm Looe Community Academy
Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm Millpool Car Park
Looe Rifle and Pistol Club
See website for details.
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/looerifle.club.31
Looe Rowing Club
Looe Sailing Club
2 Buller Street, East Looe
Tel: 01503 262559
Looe Scottish Country Dance
10:15am – 12:15pm Every Monday
Family Hub, Trewint Crescent, East Looe
Tel: 01503 264862
Looe Shedders CIC
10am – 1pm 2nd Saturday and 4th Tuesday of the month.
St Martins Hall, East Looe
Looe Shedders provide a community space where our male and female members can meet like-minded people and find new friends to enrich their lives.
A space where they can learn new skills, such as wood turning, cooking, gardening, computing or furniture restoration, to name just a few.
A space where they can just sit and chat in a friendly, social environment or contribute their skills to local community projects.
A space that helps tackle social isolation and loneliness within our population.
A space that reflects what our members want it to become.
Imagine your garden shed, turbocharged and full of your new friends!
That’s Looe Shedders
Tel: 07840 777 293
Email: contactus@looeshedders.co.uk
Looe singing in Mind (MIND)
2pm – 4pm 4th Thursday of the month.
Millpool Centre
Phone before attending this as it is by referral only.
Contact for referral 01208 892855
Looe Valley Rotary Club
Secretary/President Elect: Ivor Campbell
Tel: 01503 240920
See website for further details.
Looe Valley Singers
Looe Youth Theatre
Pelynt Line Dancers
The Pelynt Line Dancers enjoy dancing in Pelynt Village Hall every Tuesday 7pm – 9pm
Contact: Gladys
Tel: 01503 272931
Pelynt Male Voice choir
7pm – 9pm Every Tuesday
Pelynt Methodist Church
Tel: 07790 038640
Refuge 4 Pets
Do you need short term foster care for your pet whilst in a domestic abuse situation? or do you have space in your home and heart to foster a dog or cat?
Refuge 4 Pets is a not for profit organisation that offer the facility of a foster service for your pets for anyone experiencing domestic abuse. Refuge 4 pets offer to provide everything that the animals may need and cover the cost of any treatment.
If there is someone who needs their service, or can offer a good home as a foster carer to these pets then please call them on 0300 4000 121.
or email at : infor@refuge4pets.org.uk
Information about our non-profit organisation can be found on Instagram their website:
Refuge4Pets | Helping people and animals escape domestic abuse
www.refuge4pets.org.uk or on their Facebook page.
Royal British Legion
See website for details.
Saturday Club
Come along to our Saturday Club. Every Saturday 11am – 1pm. No need to book, just turn up.
Held at Looe Library and Community Hub, Millpool, West Looe PL13 2AF
Tel: 01503 262390
Sing Rock Choir
Every Wednesday 7 – 8pm
Family Hub, Trewint Crescent, East Looe
Tel: 07977 166572
Email: info@singrock.co.uk
South East Cornwall Tourism Association (SECTA)
See website for details.
St Anne’s Masonic Lodge
St Cuby’s Bell Ringers
Every Tuesday Evening
St Cuby’s Church, Duloe
Contact: Mark
Tel: 01503 265273
Stories and Songs Ages 0 -5
Stories and Songs every Monday from 10:30 – 11am. No need to book just come along and join in.
Looe Library and Community Hub, Millpool, West Looe PL13 2AF.
Tel: 01503 262390.
Tea Room (Community)
10am-12pm Mon-Sat
Community Tea Room, Rose Garden, East Looe. .
Contact: Patricia
Tel: 01503 264614
The Haven (& Food Bank)
We offer a variety of activities for all ages, including Children’s Club, Youth Club, Community Meals and Community Larder.
Above Simply Fish, East Looe Quayside
Please see our website for full details
Contact: Sara Barron
Tel: 07766 020524
U3A Looe and District (Morning group)
St Martins Hall, East Looe
Email: chair@looeu3a.org
West Looe Play Group
We are open 8am until 6pm Monday to Friday all year round.
We have a free Stay and Play session every Friday termtime only from 1pm until 2.30pm for all babies and children up to 4 years and their parents. grandparents, childminders or carers.
We also run a school holiday club for children aged 4 years to 11 years.
The Old School Canteen, Downs Road, West Looe, PL13 2AR
Tel: 01503 265623
Email: admin@westlooenursery.co.uk
Youth Club
5:30 – 7pm (Term Time)
The Haven, East Looe
Contact: Caleb Barron
Tel: 07986 741426